Georgetown Law’s Newest Hire Thinks Biden Will Nominate ‘Lesser Black Women’ To The Supreme Court
Nice way to get you and your school some media attention after just hiring you, I guess.
Nice way to get you and your school some media attention after just hiring you, I guess.
No, it's not going to be Michelle Obama.
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Not an official list, but still an impressive collection of contenders.
* Allegations abound that Tori Spelling's signature was forged on a bunch of settlement documents. But she says it's hers. What wacky adventures will Donna Martin get into next? [National Enquirer] * A reminder to send in those holiday card contest submissions by Wednesday! We've seen some fun ones so far, but don't let your firm be left out. [Above the Law] * The 11th Circuit's ECF system appears to be infected with a virus. Crackerjack technology work there. [South Florida Lawyers] * Nothing really new here, but it's a very specific, personal account of the broken law school model. [The Gazette (Cedar Rapids)] * Meanwhile, Dean Daniel Hamilton of UNLV Law joins the chorus of deans pitching the "because everyone's figured out law school's a bad deal it's suddenly become a good deal." [Vegas Seven] * Aaron Sorkin stands up for his Hollywood buddies and that means he's fig leafing rampant racism and sexism. [Redline] * Former SF mayor Willie Brown is confused by the nomination of Leondra Kruger to the California Supreme Court because she lives in D.C. He asks whether "there [were] no qualified African Americans in California?" Perhaps, but as a former SCOTUS clerk, Chicago Law instructor, U.S. deputy assistant attorney general, and assistant to the solicitor general there are few more qualified people anywhere for this job. [SF Gate] * There's been a void in all our hearts since we lost the genius UChiLawGo Tumblr. Hopefully its intellectual successor can fill that void. [UChiLawls]
Congratulations to the “Minority 40 Under 40.” This is a distinguished group of 40 minority lawyers, all under the age of 40, who have just been honored by the National Law Journal for their accomplishments within the legal profession. Let’s learn more about them. Maybe you have friends or colleagues on the list?